Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One of the best articles about us can be found in Schön! magazine

We are so in love with NOE's work. First time we met her at World Ningyo Exhibition Tokyo in 2010, unforgeteble.
Thank you Noe!
Our babies on World Ningyo Exhibition in Tokyo.
 Thanks to Chieko Hazeki! Check out her album for more pictures from this great event

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Наш e-mail

There was wrong contacts information on our web page! Now we have fixed everything so if you have send us emails, please resend them to correct address.
 в наших контактах был неправильно указан e-mail. Поправки внесены!
Если Вы нам писали до этого, напишите пожалуйста  на новый адрес, указанный в контактах
Приносим свои извинения!